High School Wilderness Expedition
Backpack through the wilderness of Western Montana as you grow in your relationship with God, self, others and creation. As you travel in a small group of peers and instructors, you will encounter challenges and opportunities that can shape your character, your leadership skills, and your faith. Grow through experiences such as:
• Being the “Leader of the Day”
• Learning to navigate using a map and compass
• Cooking meals over a stove
• Engaging in group problem solving
• Developing spiritual disciplines such as solitude, prayer, and Bible study
• Reflecting on your experiences and decisions
No experience is needed to participate in this two week adventure! Have questions? Contact us at hello@campbighorn.com to learn more!
Monday, July 15 – students should arrive between 2 and 3pm; Monday night will be spent tent camping at Bighorn.
Friday, July 26 – parents are invited to arrive at Bighorn at 10am to help welcome their students back to camp; there will be a celebratory time of sharing at noon and students and parents can depart at 1pm, or all are invited to stay for an optional lunch at camp.
Name | Dates | Price | Availability | Registration |
High School Wilderness Expedition (Co-ed) | July 15th - 26th, 2024 | $795 | Open | Register |
Groups will be limited to 10 campers and 2 Bighorn staff members, totaling 12 people.