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Summer Leads

Lead life-changing adventures while mentoring volunteer Summer Staff


Next summer will be here before you know it. Plan to get your application in early!

2025 Summer Lead Applications will open on Wednesday, November 22nd, 2024 at 9 am! We will begin reviewing and processing applications on a first-come basis starting December 10th, 2024. We look forward to chatting with you about 2025!

If you want to be notified when applications go live, please complete this form!

Application Notification Form


Summer Leads at Camp Bighorn get to spend two months leading adventures and speaking into the lives of campers and volunteers. This role is highly relational and involves a lot of technical skills. The first responsibility is to build relationships with our volunteer Summer Staff, which includes leading devotions from Scripture, modeling integrity, and finding creative ways to have fun together! By helping these young leaders follow Jesus, Summer Leads create a healthy environment for ministry and play a big part in the spiritual growth of all the campers and guests at Camp Bighorn.

In recognizing that everyone is gifted uniquely, Summer Leads will rotate through a variety of leadership roles. Opportunities are based on interests and aptitude, and may include organizing gear in the pro shop, preparing food in the kitchen, leading adventures, and more.


May 27th - August 13th, 2025

Training + Eight Weeks of Camp + Post-Summer Staff Retreat

All Leads will arrive on May 27th; training will begin the following morning. Summer Staff arrive on June 1st followed by two weeks of training. Once Summer Camps come to a close, there will be a three-day celebratory staff retreat to recognize all the hard work!

Availability for the entire Summer is a key factor when considering applicants. Anyone anticipating an absence is still encouraged to apply, but preference will be given to applicants who are available for the full commitment.


$1,500 - $4,500 ($1,000 Stipend + Fundraising)

Upon completion of the full term of Summer Camp, each Lead will receive a $1,000 stipend for their ten weeks of service. We value the time, energy, and talents that are given to support Camp Bighorn, and this stipend is a small way we can say "thank you."

Required Fundraising

Just as God invites us to join Him in ministry, we are responsible to invite others into what He is doing. In additional to receiving a $1,000 stipend, Leads are required to fundraise a minimum of $500 for the 10 weeks that they will be at Camp. That's just $50 per week! We are confident that, with the help of the Lord, each individual will meet and surpass this minimum! Asking for money can be vulnerable, and even scary, but this practice creates space for the Lord to meet our needs and ultimately builds our faith. Past and present staff agree, it's wonderful to see God provide and bring more people together into a Summer of ministry. Never underestimate what God will do!

The $500 of additional fundraising is only a minimum requirement; Leads are welcome to raise up to $3,500 for the Summer. Including the stipend, Leads have the opportunity to receive between $1500-$4,500 for their 10 weeks of service.

Once accepted into a Summer position, an easy-to-share donation page will be set-up. Further information on support raising will also be made available. God is faithful to provide for our needs. This is a wonderful opportunity to see Him at work and be able to share His amazing stories.

Apply Now


Age 18-24

Applicants must be 18 years by May 28th, 2024. Applicants younger than 18, please consider applying to serve as Summer Staff. We prefer those serving as a Lead have completed at lease one year of college or a gap-year program.

Spiritual Life

Applicants are not expected to have all the answers about Jesus. They are, however, expected to display confidence in their walk with Jesus and show a faith that is rooted in God’s Word. These characteristics are foundational, and it is okay to share how you have matured in your faith journey. Applicants should carry a genuine love and passion for God's people, both inside and outside of the Christian faith.

The mission at Camp Bighorn is to embody the love of Jesus and develop Christ-honoring leaders. Summer Leads get to help establish this foundation for younger leaders which is crucial for sharing the hope of Jesus with our guests. If you have a desire to invest in a small group of younger Christ-followers, this might be the spot for you.

Physical Health

The Summer Lead position is a very active, dynamic role, and volunteers must arrive in good physical health. Typical activities include hiking, belaying, swimming, climbing, lifting objects overhead, and carrying bulky equipment as far as one mile.

While these activities are typical, volunteers may still be accepted even if they cannot perform one or more of these activities. For example, someone with good physical health might not be comfortable with heights. In this case, they might be accepted and asked to serve in water-based activities instead of setting up rock climbs or working in the aerial adventure park.

Applicants will also be required to complete a medical release form before arriving for training.


Ideally, Summer Leads will be returning alumni who already know the ins-and-outs of Camp Bighorn. While prior experience at Camp Bighorn is preferred, it is not required, and individuals with similar leadership experience are strongly encouraged to apply.

Camper Safety

At Camp Bighorn, adventure means stepping into anything with an unknown outcome. For some, this means getting to the top of a climbing route. For others, it could mean putting on the equipment and attempting to trust it. "Challenge by Choice" is a baseline philosophy used to invite campers into challenge without forcing someone into fear or uncertainty. Creating a safe environment for campers is a top priority, and it is important to provide this opportunity for campers to try something new without coercing or pressuring them into it.

Beyond adventure safety, all volunteers 18 years or older will be required to complete a background consent form. Summer Leads spend a significant amount of time with minors, and this policy helps ensure all adults serving at Camp Bighorn are legally qualified.


Summer Staff Lead

(4 Positions Available; 2 male & 2 female)

These individuals serve as the primary support for the Summer Staff, as an ambassador between Bighorn Staff and Summer Staff. They shepherd and mentor our Summer Staff in their spiritual and personal growth, equip them to serve campers well and show them the love of Christ through conversations, example, and a genuine love for those entrusted in their care. Summer Leads also get to facilitate adventures!

Click for Job Description

Technical Adventure Lead

(2 Positions Available; 1 male & 1 female)

Typically for those who have had previous experience at Bighorn, these individuals help our Technical Adventure Team with all that goes into making adventures happen. They’ll be tasked with gear maintenance and be a go-to for leading. Likely to be specialized in one area of adventure, the summer will be spent safely leading campers in overcoming and conquering their fears.

Click for Job Description

Operations Lead

(1 Positions Available)

This individual helps oversee the presentation and functionality of the camp’s buildings and grounds so that campers, guests, and staff can utilize and enjoy them in a safe, concern-free manner. He or she will get their hands dirty and serve camp behind the scenes!

Click for Job Description

Marketing/Office Lead

(1 Positions Available)

God uses Bighorn to impact lives for eternity. The Marketing and Office Lead helps keep us organized and serves as the link between home and a successful arrival, duration, and departure from camp! They also capture great photos and videos to inspire past, present, and future campers and staff, and help keep families, donors and prayer warriors connected to what's going on at camp!

Click for Job Description

Apply Now


1. Read everything in your application and answer every question thoroughly.

2. Sign the Camp Bighorn Statement of Faith, Staff Policies, and Staff Commitment Pledge.

3. Provide your three references with a link to the Summer Reference Form (emailed after submitting your application).

4. Commit to fundraise $500 by May 1st, 2025 (easy-to-share donation link provided upon acceptance).

5. Submit your completed application by March 16th, 2025 (late applications may not be considered).

6. Prepare for a follow-up email to schedule a phone interview.

Support A Volunteer

Want to support one of these volunteers? Their service adds to a long history of ministry, and fundraising is one of the ways people in their communities can join in, too. Below you will find an alphabetized list of the volunteers serving this Summer along with their unique giving link.

Support A Volunteer