Beth Meaden
Why I am here
Why I am here
I am passionate about Camp Bighorn’s mission–loving God and loving others–and how that plays out in adventures. Specifically, I am excited about the ways Bighorn’s mission reaches the local community and creates life change in campers and guests.

Growing up a pastor’s kid in Western Washington, Beth went on her first international mission trip at age fifteen. Something about that first mission trip experience really connected with Beth, and she went on a trip every summer through high school. Later, after getting married, she and her husband Brian joined Reign Ministries staff where they led summer mission trips and a gap year school for nine years. Over the years, Beth has found that intense spiritual growth happens in small group discipleship communities and environments outside of one’s comfort zone. When joining staff at Camp Bighorn, she found these same opportunities of spiritual growth exist here. Additionally, she is passionate about meeting the needs of the local community and providing spaces where kids feel safe and free to be themselves.
Wild Events Coordinator
As the Wild Events Coordinator, I create opportunities for children and adults to learn about the outdoors through education and fun experiences.
B.S. in Business Management from Corban University
M.A. in Teaching from Montana State University
Wilderness First Responder (WFR)
Fun Fact
I love peanut butter; and in high school, I kept a squeezable tube of peanut butter in my car for emergency snack breaks.

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